
Submission Types

edu4AI accepts the following types of not-already-published submissions:

  • Full papers                 (8-10 pages)
  • Short papers             (6 pages)
    Suitable for presenting work in progress, software prototypes, or extended abstracts of doctoral theses
  • Project papers          (6 pages)  excluding references
    General overviews of research projects

Submission Instructions

All papers must be written in English and formatted according to the new workflow for CEUR-WS style proceedings guidelines. The guidelines can be found here:

Authors should submit their papers as single-column, using one of the following template (we strongly recommend the usage of LaTeX for the camera-ready papers to minimize the extent of reformatting):

Submissions undergo a single blind review process, i.e. authors should include their names and affiliations in their manuscripts. At submission time, authors will have to indicate the contribution type.

Papers must be submitted in PDF format via the online submission system CMT by selecting “edu4AI (The 1st Workshop on Education for Artificial Intelligence)”:

Download the CMT app to access submissions and reviews on the move and receive notifications:

All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the program committee and evaluated on the basis of relevance, originality, significance, soundness, and clarity. Papers that exceed the page limits or formatting guidelines will be returned without review. Final copies of papers for inclusion to the conference proceedings will be published on CEUR in the AI*IA series (Scopus indexed). At least one author must attend the conference to present the paper.