Invited speakers

Speaker: Alessandra Melonio, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy.

Alessandra Melonio is an Associate Professor at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics, and Statistics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Title: Empowering Future Generations: Tailoring AI Literacy and Education for Young Learners

In today’s world, young generations have unprecedented access to AI-enabled tools, such as smart toys and AI assistants. As AI devices become an integral part of daily life, it is crucial to equip the new generations with knowledge about AI operations. This understanding will empower them to use AI responsibly and actively participate in their AI-driven future. Consequently, teaching AI to younger generations has become increasingly vital. The engaging nature of play can significantly enhance attention, involvement, and comprehension of abstract and complex concepts. Indeed, recent years have witnessed a surge in playful tools designed for AI educational activities. These tools aim to support learners’ motivation and engagement.

This talk offers a comprehensive overview of tools designed to foster AI literacy among younger audiences, emphasizing the importance of responsible AI usage in educational settings. Moreover, given the vast and ever-evolving nature of AI, it is crucial to tailor AI literacy education to the specific context and advancements in the field. This presentation aims to spark a critical debate on crafting AI educational interventions that are specifically designed to meet the needs of different age groups and learning environments.

A leading expert in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), her research and teaching focus on interaction design and physical computing, particularly for educational purposes.  Her work is at the forefront of creating engaging, user-centered technologies that transform educational experiences. She co-authored more than 60 international peer-reviewed publications in the human-computer interaction and technology-enhanced learning areas (e.g., ACM CHI, TEI, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies). Alessandra Melonio is part of the organizing committee of international conferences in the HCI and TEL areas, acting as co-(chair) or associate chair (e.g., CHI, MobileHCI, CSCW, INTERACT, MIS4TEL).